Sep 14, 2020
PUTT Executive Director, Monique Whitney, and FDA Senior Advisor, Dr. David Gortler, PharmD, FCCP, co-authored a Summary Proposal of Recommendations to lower drug prices which was submitted to the Trump Administration on Monday, Sept. 14th. IPMD President, Sherine Joseph was a contributing author of the document.
PUTT Executive Director, Monique Whitney, and FDA Senior Advisor Dr. David Gortler, PharmD, FCCP, co-authored a Summary Proposal of Recommendations to lower drug prices which was submitted to the Trump Administration on Monday, Sept. 14th. IPMD President, Sherine Joseph was a contributing author of the document.
The 27 page plan, which was submitted at the request of senior ranking trade advisors, contained a comprehensive series of PBM reform measures which, if enacted, could greatly benefit patients, providers, and pharmacies. Recommendations included:
Eliminate “safe harbor” protections for rebate kickbacks
Create nationwide “Any Willing Provider” (AWP) laws
Bar PBMs from using profit-motivated, anti-patient delay tactics
Require PBMs to be pharmacy benefits plan administrators (PBAs)
End Direct and Indirect Remuneration (DIR) fees
Require PBMs to reimburse pharmacies at CMS’ National Average Drug Acquisition Cost (NADAC)
Lobby Congress to allow FDA oversight of large prescription mail order facilities
Empower the federal government and states to rein in abusive PBM practices in the commercial market
The summary brief additionally pointed out, "The hard reality is the only way to eliminate prescription drug profiteering is by dismantling the vertically integrated health care corporations that enable PBMs to continue these practices. PBMs must not own or be owned by insurers; own or be owned by pharmacies; and must be prevented from market integration such that they, along with a few others, can be the insurer, the medical provider, the drug and medical service price negotiator, the pharmacy, the plan administrator, and the over-rider of a patient’s physician-prescribed therapy."
IPMD is proud to be a part of this historical push for PBM reform and will continue to fight on behalf of Maryland independent pharmacies and their patients.
To read excerpts from the summary recommendations document click here